out now: Ensemble 5 “The Human Factor”
The Human Factor by Ensemble 5 It is a message, and you will hear it sounding firmly through the various pieces that make up The Human Factor, that tells us much about how we might live together: sharing, giving way, simple giving, lifting up, helping … above all, listening … (Brian Morton) Heinz Geisser – […]
Interview Rondo Magazin Podcast
go to the podcast here Interview von Mario Felix Vogt mit Christopher Dell RONDO, das Klassik- und Jazz-Magazin gibt es jetzt auch als Podcast. Mit Gästen aus der Welt der klassischen Musik und dem Jazz: Dirigentinnen, Musiker, Ensembleleiterinnen, Redakteure, Bloggerinnen und Labelmenschen – alle, die uns etwas über das verrückte Leben für und mit […]
out now! DLW “Extended Beats”
feat. Tamara Stefanovich, Klangforum Wien, Martin Adamek, Sonar Quartett “Extended Beats” bastille musique presents its twenty-eighth release »DLW: Extended Beats« featuring world premiere recordings by Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Klangforum Wien, Sonar Quartett, Tamara Stefanovich (piano), Martin Adámek (clarinets) and Johannes Brecht (electronics). Together with the guests, Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard extend their beats in terms of co-composition and form […]
interview ecole de non savoir
I had the honorable opportunity to do an interview (in German) with Rued Baur for the ecole de non savoir (SCHOOL OF NOT KNOWING) in the framework of Representation and transmission of “not-knowing”, a transdisciplinary team for the realisation of a universal civic intelligibility project. Echoing the Milan Triennale 2022, this project aims to work on […]
DRA Future of the smallest Form
edition niehler werft is proud to republish the legendary first DRA album on band camp! Christopher Dell DRA Future of the Smallest Form re-released 22.10.23 at edition niehler werft artist: Christopher Dell Genre: avantgarde, experimental, new contemporary Cat.-Nr.: enw 017 awards: Jazz Art Award 2001 get your digital copy here Originally published in 2001, […]
“Spirituality” at Hessischer Rundfunk 2
thanks to the acclaimed music journalist and guitarist Jürgen Schwab for presenting the trio recording “Spirituality” with and by Jürgen Wuchner, Günter Baby Sommer and myself on Monday 5th February 22:30 on the program Jazz Now on Hessischer Rundfunk 2. The album is released on the artist’s label edition niehler werft (enw). Get your copy […]
Christopher Dell + raumlabor
very honored to be part of the ultimate raumlabor volume Polylemma! This reader published by Jovis, Berlin is a must read for all of those who are interested in reading the city as a sphere of action. “For a quarter of a century, the architectural collective raumlaborberlin has been pioneering new spaces for action, charting […]
50 Meta-Commentaries
very honored to be part of the ultimate raumlabor volume Polylemma! This reader published by Jovis, Berlin is a must read for all of those who are interested in reading the city as a sphere of action. “For a quarter of a century, the architectural collective raumlaborberlin has been pioneering new spaces for action, charting […]
DLW feat. Bob Degen “Supermodern Vol II”
SUPERMODERN Vol.2 the second double album called “Supermodern” with Christopher Dell – vibraphone Christian Lillinger – drums Jonas Westergaard – bass and Bob Degen – piano is released on HGBSBlue. Available in selected record shops, or directly from us: https://black-forest-sounds.de/produkte/supermodern-vol-ii When the double LP Supermodern Vol. I was released at the end of 2021, it […]
new book Raum und Handlung
Raumtheorien des Städtischen Es war ein Privileg und eine Ehre, für 6 Monate im Bundesatelier für Architektur in der Cité Internationale de Paris zu residieren. In dieser Zeit konnte ich an verschiedenen Buchprojekten im Bereich der Städtebautheorie arbeiten. Ich freue mich sehr, dass das erste davon, “Raum und Handlung”, nun im transcript Verlag erschienen ist. […]