Festival Intersecting Encounters Berlin
Saturday, 31. August Intersecting Encounters – Opening of the Month of Contemporary Music Kühlhaus, Berlin with Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Sofia Jernberg, Sonar Quartett, Tamara Stefanovich, Trio Catch, Zafraan Ensemble 17 Uhr Sofia Jernberg & Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard 18.30 Uhr Trio Catch & Zafraan Ensemble 19.15 Uhr Sonar Quartett & Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard 20 Uhr Offizielle Begrüßung zum Monat der zeitgenössischen […]
Wolfgang Haffner Quintet at Schloss Elmau
06.08.2024 Wolfgang Haffner – drums Christopher Dell- Vibraphone Sebastian Studnitzky – trumpet Simon Oslender – Piano Thomas Stieger – Bass
Stars im Luitpoldhain
4. August 2024 20 Uhr Nürnberg The major biennial festival “Stars im Luitpoldhain” brought internationally renowned jazz stars to the stage on Sunday, 4 August, starting at 8 pm. This year, Wolfgang Haffner, world-class drummer, Nuremberg Culture Prize winner and musical director of Stars im Luitpoldhain, brought some very special companions to the stage: The […]
Conceptions Darmstadt
15.-20.08.2024 Bessunger Knabenschule Summer workshop since 1992 The Darmstadt Jazz Conceptions were founded in 1992 by the Darmstadt bassist Jürgen Wuchner (1948-2020) and are still held today in almost unchanged form. Its uniqueness is based on the concept of a pure ensemble workshop with a high degree of personal responsibility on the part of the […]
Field at Ilk Music Days, Copenhagen
Tuesday 9/7 2024, kl. 21:30 Field (DK/DE) ILK / 5e , København V “The melodies veer at sharp angles, and in the rhythms, turbulence is the standard rule of engagement. Tenor saxophonist Uli Kempendorff, vibraphonist Christopher Dell, double bassist Jonas Westergaard, and drummer Peter Bruun express a curious form of lyricism, and perfect a method […]
lecture performance Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal
Netzwerktreffen zu künstlerisch-performativer (Sozial-)Forschung & Lehre Donnerstag, 27.06.24, 12:30-18:00 Uhr Hochschul-Campus, Haus 1 Hochschulbibliothek, Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss Breitscheidstraße 2, 39104 Magdeburg-Herrenkrug
World Industrial Design Day Frankfurt
Am Mittwoch, den 26. Juni organisieren der Deutsche Werkbund Hessen und Denzinger Gestaltung den World Industrial Design Day Frankfurt. Unter dem Titel »Shifting Paradigms? Gestaltung in Bewegung« wird über Relevanz, Werte und Rollen von Gestaltung in der Welt heute diskutiert – dieses Mal im Frankfurter Museum Angewandte Kunst. Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit der World Design Capital Frankfurt […]
DLW Extended Beats at Basel
22.06.2024 DLW: Extended BeatsStiftung Bartels Fondation, Basel (CH) 20.06.2024 DLW: Extended BeatsKonzerte am Ausserberg, Riehen (CH)
Monodosis at festival Human Nature,
Situation #2 14 & 15 June 2024 HUMAN NATURE is a long-term project by The Moving Academy, Berlin. It touches on the increasingly urgent question of our relationship to the environment and our place in the natural world. How does this, and our relationship to each other, shape patterns and space, and what are the […]
out now: Ensemble 5 “The Human Factor”
The Human Factor by Ensemble 5 It is a message, and you will hear it sounding firmly through the various pieces that make up The Human Factor, that tells us much about how we might live together: sharing, giving way, simple giving, lifting up, helping … above all, listening … (Brian Morton) Heinz Geisser – […]