Jazz against Apartheid: The Music of Johnny Dyani
25 years ago I joined Jazz against Apartheid in Frankfurt. The project was created in 1986 in collaboration with the South African exile musician Johnny Dyani, a composer, bandleader and bassist. His music is at the same time an important art work, a history of the struggle against apartheid and a biography of a life […]
Perspektiven- & Praxiswerkstatt „Stadtentwicklung performativ“
25. OKTOBER ’21 — 26. OKTOBER ’21 | 10:00 — 15:00 Die Zukunft der aktivierenden Stadtentwicklung ist performativ: Stadtentwicklungsprozesse werden als kulturelle Prozesse gestaltet und erlebbar gemacht. Die Stadt selbst wird dabei zur Bühne: für die Transformation von Stadtgesellschaften, Lebensstilen, Wohn- und Arbeitsformen – und für die Weiterentwicklung ihrer Orte, ihrer Organisations- und Kooperationsstrukturen. So […]
Venice Architecture Biennale French Pavilion Discussions
c’était génial de participer au dernier programmation de Pavillon français “Les communautés à l’oeuvre” dans le cadre des Pavilion Days de la 17e Biennale internationale d’architecture de Venise. J’ai eu le plaisir de discuter avec Christophe Hutin, commissaire du Pavillon français et les chercheurs Tiphaine Abenia,Agathe Mignon et Daniel Estevez sur SCIENCE DES STRUCTURES RUPTURES […]
Uli Kempendorff Field
17.10.2021 Other Music Academy, Weimar 18.10.2021 Zig Zag, Berlin with Uli Kempendorff – tenor sax, clarinet Christopher Dell – vibraphone Jonas Westergaard – bass Peter Bruun – drums
Hülsmann Dell Duo
Jazz and the City Festival, Salzburg Julia Hülsmann Klavier Christopher Dell Vibraphon 15.10.2021 15.10.2021
Angelika Nescier BTHVN
Angelika Nescier-sax Eva Fillipo- vibraphon perc Chris Dell-vibraphon Morit Baumgärtner-drums Phil Donkin-bass Shannon Barnett-trombone
DLW at Theater Krefeld Video
Dell/Lillinger/Westergaard combine energetic playing with structural execution; composed materials are permanently reconfigured. The trio delivers extraordinarily gripping soundscapes that are characterised by a close interlocking of musical structures and hyperreal sound design – resulting in a completely independent aesthetic. The Frankfurter Rundschau calls the trio’s work “Boulez in Real-Time” and adds: “A great performance and […]
Stefanovich Dell Lillinger Westergaard Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin
Making history! Rewriting the Canon with SDLW @neue_nationalgalerie Berlin! This was monumental! Thanks to @bastillemusique and the whole Team for making this once in a lifetime Grid Explosion real! Metamodern is the New utopia! pics by Sebastian Solte
DLW Fri Resonans Trondheim
Venue: Dokkhuset Scene 2 October 2021 – 22:00 Fri resonans festival webpage