Dialogue Concerts #4 Structure

Posted on Sep. 17, 2020 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music
curated by Christopher Dell

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Aedes Architecture Forum
Christinenstr. 18-19
10119 Berlin

The lecture and discussion will be held in English.

Entrance is free, but seats are limited to partake please register reply@ancb.de

#4 Structure
Der Begriff “Struktur” meint die Menge von Relationen, welche Elemente
eines organisationalen Feldes miteinander verknüpfen. Eine strukturelle
Relation zwischen unterschiedlichen Elementen ist so bestimmt, dass aus der
Veränderung eines Elements die entsprechende Veränderung des anderen
Elements resultiert. In der Musik kann z.B. ein Motiv in Bezug auf die Form
des Werks als strukturelles Element gelten, in der Architektur etwa eine
Gebäude-Straßensituation im Bezug auf den Stadtteil oder eine Handlung im
Bezug auf die Akteurskonstellation einer Gebäude-Straßensituation. Man
spricht hier auch davon, dass sich Elemente strukturell „verschalten“ oder
zusammen „ins Funktionieren kommen“. Wie aber lässt sich dieses
Verschalten näher fassen? Wie lässt es sich darstellen? Und welche Relevanz
hat es im Verstehen, Lesen und Produzieren von Stadtraum?

Bernd Kniess Professor, Hafencity University Hamburg
Christopher Dell Vibrafon, Berlin
Christian Lillinger Drums
Jonas Westergaard Bass



Dialogue Concerts
On the occasion of Aedes Architecture Forum’s 40th anniversary, the series Dialogue Concerts. Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music presents a pluralistic media format, re-envisioning urban research. Architectural practice will enter into a dialogue with musical praxis.

Designed as a montage of lectures, concerts and discussions Dialogue Concerts is a series of events that will examine the interplay of urban space and communal life. Set up as an experimental interdisciplinary format, the Dialogue Concerts series is comprised of 6 events from December 2019 through December 2020. In this context,
 the city is not defined as a fixed object, but as a dynamic and collective constellation that is performatively produced.

Curated by the vibraphonist, composer and urban theoretician Christopher Dell, Dialogue Concerts is presented as artistic statement and critical dispositif. International architects and musicians are invited to address aspects of procedural strategies across disciplines in a series of six Dialogue Concerts. Taking questions of mediality, corporality, interaction, materiality, structure and transformation as starting points, Dialogue Concerts creates a discursive space seeking to illustrate the societal relevance of both disciplines in a new way.

Dialogue Concerts is organized by Christopher Dell in cooperation with the Aedes Architecture Forum, funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Musikfonds e.V. with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.


Dialogue Concert Series
#1 Medialität with Oda Pälmke
12 December 2019
#2 Interaction with Christophe Hutin
6 February 2020
#3 Transformation with Daniel Libeskind (postponed)
20 March 2020
#4 Materiality with Jean-Philippe Vassal (postponed)
28 May 2020
#5 Structure
17 September 2020 with Bernd Kniess
#5 Corporality
11 December 2020 with Tabea Michaelis and Ben Pohl

funded by