Radio France broadcast Soirée DLW, Paris

Merci beaucoup à @francemusique, à Arnaud Merlin et à toute l’équipe ! Many thanks for the broadcast of the Soirée DLW at la Salle Cortot featuring Tamara Stefanovich, Benedikt Klöckner and Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard. You can listen to the entire concert here
Wolfgang Haffner Residency
at Double Time Hameln 12.05.2023 Wolfgang Haffner Christopher Dell Duo Wolfgang Haffner – Drums Christopher Dell – Vibes 13.05.2023 Wolfgang Haffner “Four of a Kind” with Wolfgang Haffner – Drums Christopher Dell – Vibes Simon Oslender – Piano Thomas Stieger – Bass
DLW “Becoming Animal”

Christopher Dell (vibraphone), Jonas Westergaard (bass) and Christian Lillinger (drums) will play at the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt on Wed. 10 May at 8 pm; admission from 7 pm. What makes a human being a human being? How animalistic are we? Unlike animals, who are not aware of their own existence, humans are aware of […]
Reza Askari Roar
5.5.2023 Seidlvilla München 6.5.2023 Backstage, Fulda Freitag 21.30 Uhr Reza Askari ROAR feat. Christopher Dell Stefan Karl Schmid – Saxofon, Klarinette, Christopher Dell – Vibrafon, Reza Askari – Kontrabass und Fabian Arends am Schlagzeug Der in Köln lebende Bassist und Komponist Reza Askari und seine Mitstreiter lassen keine Gelegenheit verstreichen, die Grenzen des Jazz – […]
DLW & Klangforum Wien

what a weekend in Witten! Not only did we have a blast playing the world premiere of “Axiom I” at the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik together with Gunde Jäch-Micko, Anna D’Errico, Gerald Preinfalk and Mikael Rudolfsson from Klangforum Wien, but we also enjoyed the whole festival with a lot of inspiring concerts and encounters. […]
Wolfgang Haffner Hongkong Jazz Marathon

Jazz In The Neighbourhood” is a project jointly organised by Jazz World (Hong Kong) Limited and Count-in Music Limited and funded by The Venue Partnership Scheme (2022-2026) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. As Venue Partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall, we hope to promote jazz music through a series of performances and educational […]
Bundesatelier für Architektur und bildende Kunst, cité internationale des arts Paris

Studio 5, 18 rue de hotel de ville, Paris German architecture and urban design theoretician Christopher Dell will round up his six month fellowship at the Bundesatelier für Architektur at the cité international des arts, Paris with an open studio tonight. Presented at Studio 5 of the citè are works that have been worked on […]
DLW Soirée at Salle Cortot Paris

can’t wait: the DLW Soirée at the Salle Cortot Paris, feat. the outstanding Tamara Stefanovich and Benedict Klöckner! 25. 04. 2023 20:00 Salle Cortot 78 Rue Cardinet, 75017 Paris The Salle is an architectural gem of Proto-Modern by the great Auguste Perret, whose famous buildings are Garage le Ponthieu and the Maison de Verre. The […]
launch website Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard

Space Chord! Intrigued to announce the publication of the Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard new website! What started out as a magazine in 2021 has now been expanded to a full spectrum of specified material. We think of the page as a multidimensional diagram that presents what we do, what we did, where, when and with whom. The diagram […]
Monodosis III

order here Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik (German Critics Award) 3/2023 order CD here in jewel case transparent tray and 12 page booklet via invoice for 15 Euro plus 2,50 Euro shipping for Germany and 9,90 Euro international at: or order via PayPal for Germany (15 Euro plus 2,50 Euro shipping) or order via PayPal for international (15 […]