Hülsmann – Wogram – Dell

at come together experience Hamburg 1.7.2023 St. Pauli Theater The trio Hülsmann – Wogram – Dell is a special formation in many respects. Starting with the unusual instrumentation: in addition to Julia Hülsmann on grand piano, we experience Christopher Dell on vibraphone and Nils Wogram on trombone. This is a jazz trio unlike any other, […]
“Das Arbeitende Konzert/ The Working Concert” Revision X at IEMA

From 28. until 30. of June I worked with the outstanding students of the unique International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA) Frankfurt. This renowned institution was founded in 2003 as Ensemble Modern’s training centre, pursuing the goals of educating musicians and audiences about contemporary repertoire and identifying new forms of artistic and creative work today. IEMA offers various […]
IMPROVISATION & TRANSFORMATION IN KUNST – KÜNSTLERISCHER THERAPIE – GESELLSCHAFT Samstag 24.06.2023 12:00 – 22:00 Hochschule für Musik und Theater Das Symposion Inmitten individueller und gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse lernen wir, auf Sicht zu fahren! Das heißt: Wir improvisieren – aus der Not heraus, aber auch aus Überzeugung und mitunter sehr gekonnt. Künstlerische Improvisation thematisiert das Handeln […]
Gutenberg-Preis der Stadt Leipzig 2023 an Spector Books

playing solo at this prestigious event. he Gutenberg Prize of the City of Leipzig 2023 goes to the Leipzig publishing house Spector Books. The prize will be awarded by Lord Mayor Burkhard Jung on 20 June 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in a ceremony at the German Book and Type Museum of the German National Library. […]
book release Dialogue Concerts

Buchvorstellung mit Konzert 19.06.2023 19:30 Rotorbooks Buchhandlung für Theorie, Kunst und Literatur Kolonnadenstraße 5–7 04109 Leipzig Dialogue Concerts Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music Christopher Dell Moderation: Anne König (Spector Books) Angesichts der gegenwärtigen geopolitischen Instabilität, der Migration, des Klimawandels und der Krise des Wohnungsmarkts wird in verschiedenen Disziplinen erneut die Frage nach […]
DLW Festival Cologne

3. Juni 2023, 17:00 bis 23:00 Uhr 4. Juni 2023, 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr Orangerie Theater, Volksgartenstraße 25, 50677 Köln Tickets: dlw-festival.eventbrite.de On 3 and 4 June 2023, the first DLW Festival will take place at the Orangerie Theatre in Cologne’s Volksgarten. It presents artists and ensembles such as the singer and voice artist Sofia Jernberg, […]
DLW @ Konzerthaus Berlin 2xHören
02 JUNI 2023 FREITAG 20.00 UHR WERNER-OTTO-SAAL Presenter Christian Jost, one or more musicians, a mostly unknown contemporary work – and you, the listening audience. Only afterwards will you learn more about the music. Be surprised how much your ears will be opened when the piece is heard for the second time. CHRISTOPHER DELL Vibraphone CHRISTIAN LILLINGER […]
Kresten Osgood Berlin Stop

Kresten Osgood – drummer, multi-instrumentalist, communicator Christopher Dell – vibraphone Christian Lillinger – drums Jonas Westergaard – bass Kresten Osgood ist einer dieser Menschen, die sich gleichzeitig den Kategorien entziehen und sie ganz für sich beanspruchen. Ein außergewöhnlicher Schlagzeuger und Improvisator, der bei allem Respekt vor der Tradition diese in jedem Moment seines Schaffens herausfordert. […]
Wolfgang Haffner Residency
at Double Time Hameln 12.05.2023 Wolfgang Haffner Christopher Dell Duo Wolfgang Haffner – Drums Christopher Dell – Vibes 13.05.2023 Wolfgang Haffner “Four of a Kind” with Wolfgang Haffner – Drums Christopher Dell – Vibes Simon Oslender – Piano Thomas Stieger – Bass
DLW “Becoming Animal”

Christopher Dell (vibraphone), Jonas Westergaard (bass) and Christian Lillinger (drums) will play at the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt on Wed. 10 May at 8 pm; admission from 7 pm. What makes a human being a human being? How animalistic are we? Unlike animals, who are not aware of their own existence, humans are aware of […]