“Inventons les partitions des projects pour le vivant”

Posted on Jun 13, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
“Inventons les partitions des projects pour le vivant”

playing the anthropocene. As the writer Paul B. Preciado has recently pointed out, the contemporary planetary epistemo-political condition is a generalized dysphoria. What we are confronted with is the resistance of a large part of the living bodies of the planet against being subalternized within a regime of knowledge and power, the resistance against the […]

Axel Timm, raumlaborberlin at Piazza Spinelli

Posted on Jun 7, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
Axel Timm, raumlaborberlin at Piazza Spinelli

performing in dialogue with Axel Timm, raumlaborberlin Maker City at PIazza Spinelli! Axel Timm from raumlaborberlin, who was already responsible for the Piazza Spinelli building workshop, will talk about the specific work of raumlaborberlin, especially about how they address space, city and urban construction as a cultural project and as a process in their work. […]

essay “Relation en inscription: espace, politique et topopouvoir”

Posted on Jun 1, 2022 in / Serial IFIT / Serial Publications
essay “Relation en inscription: espace, politique et topopouvoir”

in Ruedi Baur, Civic City (eds.) Inscriptions en relation Des traces coloniales aux expressions plurielles From February 14 to 16, 2020, at the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris, Civic City organized «Inscription en relation», an international and multidisciplinary event designed by Ruedi and Vera Baur. Around 100 guests and 24 schools from all […]

Christophe Hutin at Piazza Spinelli

Posted on Mai 10, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
Christophe Hutin at Piazza Spinelli

thanks so much to Christophe Hutin for a fantastic lecture at Piazza Spinelli! We learned a lot, for example about the latest diagrammtaics of the project Beutre. And we had a great hang together in very hot Mannheim-Käfertal. Piazza Spinelli is curated by Sally Below and Christopher Dell in cooperation with the Planning Department Projektgruppe […]

Denkstatt Basel at Piazza Spinelli

Posted on Mai 4, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
Denkstatt Basel at Piazza Spinelli

many thanks to Ben Pohl from denkstatt Basel for his great talk at Piazza Spinelli/ Spinelli Freiraumlab! Many thanks also to Sebastian Mandel for the discussion! further info on the project Piazza Spinelli curated by Sally Below and Christopher Dell.     Pictures: Moritz Henning, Christopher Dell

Opening Piazza Spinelli

Posted on Mai 1, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
Opening Piazza Spinelli

curated by Sally Below and Christopher Dell, Piazza Spinelli was a performative installation and exhibition project dedicated to initiating and exploring urban coexistence, space sharing and knowledge exchange. Located at the intersection of 1:1 processes and planning administration, the project was realized in cooperation with Jens Weisener of the Projektgruppe Konversion, Stadtplanungsamt Mannheim. Taking place in […]

Raumgebrauch als Wissensform

Posted on Apr 24, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
Raumgebrauch als Wissensform

Use of space as form of knowledge lecture performance at DAZ BerlinGerman Architecture Center in the framework of  the exhibition Visiting Inken and Hinrich Baller curated by ufoufo 24.04.2022 18:00 Uhr Lecture-Performance by Christopher Dell The use of space is one of the main activities that everyone inevitably pursues. Vibraphonist, urban theorist and philosopher Christopher […]


Posted on Mrz 20, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

public debate #3 Partizipation, Kreativität und Improvisation als urbane Zukunftsmotoren Donnerstag, 24.3.2022, 18.30 Uhr, ANCB, Christinenstr. 18–19, 10119 Berlin PROGRAMM Urbane Interventionen wie Flashmobs, Guerillagärten, Pop-Up-Clubs etc. feiern Spontanität, Kreativität und Improvisation. Sie stehen neben oder gegen Planbarkeitsdogmen, die sich oft genug als bürgerfern erweisen. Aber Bürger:innen wollen und können mitmachen. Wie kann ein solcher […]

débat “Une architecture performative.”

Posted on Feb 25, 2022 in / Serial IFIT / Serial Publications
débat “Une architecture performative.”

avec Mathilde Chénin, Christopher Dell, Matthieu Duperrex, Marion Howa et Fanny Léglise, mené par Tiphaine Abenia et Daniel Estevez », dans « Habiter », Perspective : actualité en histoire de l’art, n° 2021 – 2, p. 67-86 Following the presentation of the French pavilion at the XVII Venice Architecture Biennale, the winning team, under the […]

Projektfonds Urbane Praxis. Meet the Projects

Posted on Feb 20, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT
Projektfonds Urbane Praxis. Meet the Projects

on Thursday 24.02.at 16:00  the Berlin Projectfonds Urbane Praxis will present and discuss projects it supported last year. I had he honor and pleasure to be part of the the jury. On the occasion of the event on 24.02. I will give a short input on the notion of “Urbane Praxis.” and its implications with […]